14:18 PM

SRP Employees Will Stuff a School Bus with Holiday Gifts for Elementary School Students


Producer Note:
Morning show live shots can be coordinated in advance of the morning of Dec. 8 by contacting Jennifer Schuricht at jennifer.schuricht@srpnet.com or calling 480-625-5070.

Salt River Project employee volunteers are spreading holiday cheer to children in need for the 28th year in a row.  

On Friday, Dec. 8, students from Fowler Elementary School in southwest Phoenix will arrive at SRP in a school bus for the annual Salt River Project Adopt-an-Angel holiday toy drive. Student council members will sing holiday carols to SRP employees and enjoy cookies and hot cocoa. Afterwards, SRP employees will fill the bus with donated wrapped toys for the students at the school.  

Friday, Dec. 8 at 9:15 a.m.  

SRP Administration Building 
1500 N. Mill Avenue in Tempe

SRP gift collection room full of wrapped and unwrapped holiday gifts for local children. SRP employees loading a Fowler School District bus with wrapped presents. Elementary students singing holiday carols. Interviews with SRP employees, Fowler Elementary leadership and students.

About SRP

SRP is a community-based, not-for-profit public power utility and the largest electricity provider in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, serving approximately 1.1 million customers. SRP provides water to about half of the Valley’s residents, delivering more than 244 billion gallons of water (750,000 acre-feet) each year, and manages a 13,000-square-mile watershed that includes an extensive system of reservoirs, wells, canals and irrigation laterals.